Friday, September 3, 2010

Frame of mind

My immediate reaction to this photo is one of glee (in the memories of the day spent with best friends) and then I look closer and notice the details (and try not to cringe at the size of my calves). I see that Luke's face is bug-bitten and scraped and he's thrown his hat on the ground, Ellie's hair is free and wild (which I love), and John's arms are hanging in a kind of weird way. It's perfectly us, it was taken by my very best friend who listens to me in the good times and the bad. She is always, always there even though she's like 1,000 miles away in Minneapolis. She is as vibrant as the red door behind us and with that she's captured the color of our family. We're imperfectly scraped and angled and off-kiltered and I'm in love with it.

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